Friday 24 February 2017

Zero Air Generator

Vasthi InstrumentsZero Air Generator provides ultra-pure pollutant-free zero air for analytical purpose. Remote monitoring and configuration can also be achieved through digital access.
Key Features:
• Ultra-high purity zero air output
• Integrated dew point sensor
• Regenerative dryer utilizing molecular sieve to perform maintenance free advantage
• High performance scrubbers to remove hydrocarbon, CO, SO2, NO, NO2 and Ozone
• Remote display and configuration on key functions
The VASTHI Zero Air Generator clean and dry zero air by removing components which will cause interference on monitoring results.

Regenerative scrubber:
The scrubber is filled with molecular sieve which has multiple holes and filters only water molecule with certain diameter. A second molecular sieve will be alternate for raw air diversion while the other is under regeneration by injecting compressed air to remove moisture.
HC/CO/NO scrubber:
To remove hydrocarbon, CO and NO, three dependent scrubbers applying catalytic reaction are used, where HC and CO will be converted into CO2 which does not interfere analysis and NO will
be converted into NO2 which will then be removed by purifier.
Technical Data:
Output = 20 SLPM at 30 psig
Dew Point = -30℃
Output Concentration = SO2: <0.025 ppb
                                           NO: <0.025 ppb
                                          NO2: <0.025ppb
                                          O3: <0.3 ppb
                                           CO: <10 ppb
                                          CH4: <5 ppb
                                          Other HC: <0.25ppb
Power Requirement = 230 VAC, Converter applicable
Operating Temperature = 0~40℃

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